
The Modern Maven's Top 10 books

The game of life and how to play
it —

Florence Schovel Shinn (can find on You Tube)

The Secret -

Rhonda Byrnes

The Seven Spiritual Laws of
Success -

Deepak Chopra

The Power of Now -

Ekhart Tolle

Hustle Believe Receive -

Sarah Centrella

The Power of your Subconscious
Mind -

Joseph Murphy

The Subtle Art of not
giving a F -

Mark Manson

100 Ways to Create Wealth -

Sam Beckford & Steve Chandler

The Giver—

Lois Lowry

The Lost Secret -

Monica Main

I’ve read or listened to all of the books that are listed and loved each and every one of them. I haven’t re-visited most of these books in YEARS, but I still feel that they play a crucial part in my happiness and success as a free-spirited artist and queen.

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